Biji Ketapang (AFF Indonesia)

Biji Ketapang is one of Indonesia traditional snack. It is sweet, crunchy and coconut. This traditional snack originated from Betawi. Betawi people who celebrate idul fitri usually make this snack at home for visiting guests

Biji Ketapang means seed of Ketapang tree. Ketapang is a Terminalia catappa plant with many different common names such as Bengal almond, Singapore almond, Ebelebo, Malabar almond, Indian almond, Tropical almond, Sea almond, Beach Almond, Talisay tree, and Umbrella tree. So they called this snack Biji Ketapang.

The recipe is taken from Nenis Yasmine, The Founder of baking grup BKR.

What you need:
250 grams flour
150 grams fresh coconut, grated, fry without oil until brown
50 grams granulated sugar
1 egg
80 grams salted butter

- Ini a large bowl, mix together flour and granulated sugar, add egg, mix well. Add salted butter. Using a spatula, stir well until the dough is pliable.
- Shape dough into big cylinder and cut with scissor diagonally.
- Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown and take out from the oil, cool on a rack.

I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest: Indonesia, hosted by Alice Prasetyo from I Love. I Cook. I Bake

2 komentar:

  1. cemalan kesukaanku waktu kecil mbak, baru tahu namanya sekarang hahaha

    1. Dulu waktu Mba Ivon kecil namanya apa mba?
